Benefit Concert @Blue Zoo,Mitchell's Park

Date: 1 May 2010
Time: 6:00pm
Cost: R50.00 per person
Band: Tree Houses on the Sea
          Shannon Kenny
Bookings: Blue Zoo: 031-303-3568
Enquiries: Carla 083 776 7566

Hi Everyone,

We are so lucky and fortunate that this great band has offered to do a concert for Gabs. Above are the details of the venue etc. Bookings can be made with Blue Zoo directly and tickets will be sold at the door. Blue Zoo is licensed and for those of you who would like to enjoy a meal, their kitchen will be open.

Please pass this info on to everyone you know, we need all the support we can get!

Thanks to:
LYD Productions
Tree Houses on the Sea
Clifton Westraad(Soundesign)
Shannon Kenny
Blue Zoo(Larry)

Hope to see you all there!!!

Jill Long
4/30/2010 03:31:22 pm

Hi Carla, Jason, Gabs and Ethan

Best of luck for the concert tonight. We really hope and pray that the concert is a HUGE success and that you guys raise lots and lots of money. Sorry we won't be able to make it with my cousin's wedding but we will be there in spirit!

Before you know it you guys will be jetting off to Graz, Austria and Gabs will be eating you out of house and home.

Thinking of you guys.


Jill, Bruce and Jason.

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